Cultural Events
Monday, 25th – guided tour (free) of The Folk Historical Museum of Sitia (18:00 – 19:00)
After the guided tour mentioned above, we will visit the Vitsentzos Kornaros House where we will have a wine tasting.
(19:00 – 21:00)
Limit 60 persons
Wednesday, 27th we plan a walking tour of the city of Sitia (a small tip should be paid on the spot – please check here (18:00 – 19:30).
Thursday, the 28th we will offer (we have a reservation for 100 people) a farewell dinner in the Sitia (20:30).
Friday, the 29th we plan a bus excursion at 13.00 to Vai Forest. Dyring the route we are going to stop at Moni Toplou for about 1 hour. At 15:00 we will start for Vai Forest. The return from Vai is schelduled for 17:00. The fee will be about 5 euros per person
(check below for how to register for the cultural events)

For general info
Ass. Prof Anastasia Markaki
Ass. Prof George Fragkiadakis
Ass. Prof. Theodora Mouratidou
Ass. Prof. Vassilios Raikos,
Ass. Prof. Konstantinos Petridis
For administration info
Ms. Eva Menegaki:
For the academic program info
Ass. Prof Anastasia Markaki
Ass. Prof. Theodora Mouratidou
Ass. Prof. Konstantinos Petridis